
12 Fatloss Tips Posted on 28 Sep 14:38 , 0 comments

  1. The good news is that there’s no such thing as ‘bad’ food. All foods have a place in a well balanced eating plan.              
  2. Eating 4-6 meals per day keeps your metabolism in high gear and means you will shift the weight faster.
  3. There’s no getting away from it. Exercise is crucial - all food plans will only work if used in conjunction with an active, healthy lifestyle.
  4. Eat more wholefoods such as fruit, vegetables and whole-grains, and less processed food such as pre-prepared meals and junk foods.
  5. Ignore the scales. If you’ve increased muscle mass and lost fat, the scales can’t see that. How your clothes fit and where they’ve changed on your body is a more accurate guide.
  6. Keep a supply of fruit, nuts, crackers and protein bars handy so that you are not tempted by an easy muffin or high-fat snack.
  7. Be sure to eat a good breakfast. It will get you through the day.
  8. Too much alcohol and wanting to lose weight don’t mix. Alcohol reduces the body’s ability to burn fat by 30 per cent. Reduce your intake or cut it out altogether.
  9. Set realistic goals, and aim to lose a maximum of one kilogram per week. Your body can’t loose more than this without decreasing in muscle or water.
  10. Take a good multivitamin daily. It acts like a spark plug for your food. (Many dieters who’ve been under-eating for years are deficient in vitamins and minerals.)
  11. Focus on your successes, not your failures. No one’s perfect, so don’t give up because of one rogue piece of chocolate cake.
  12. Be sure to stay hydrated every day, thirst can mimic hunger.

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The Top 10 Vitamins for Women Posted on 24 Sep 14:28 , 0 comments

A vitamin pill on its own will not give you an energy boost in the afternoon to make up for a skipped meal, but used wisely health supplements can play an important role in your health and wellness regime. This list may seem basic, but the following vitamins are essential for our health and deficiencies are more

Hope in a Bottle? Don’t be fooled by false promises when it comes to weight loss or cellulite removal products. Posted on 10 Sep 16:31 , 0 comments

Dietary supplements are big business and their marketing claims are becoming more and more convincing. If something sounds too good to be true it probably is. We’ve put together 10 pre-purchase tips to help you separate the fact from the fluff, and to save you some money in the quest for a better body and a healthier life.

If you do a Google search for weight loss products these days, you’re going to be bombarded with thousands of products, all of which can assist you attain a size 6 body, like the one of the model promoting them. From topical thigh shaping creams, miracle fat burner capsules, powdered fibre drinks, energy formulas and fat blocking pills it is easy to be mislead by the presentation of these products.


Protein Shake Ideas Posted on 6 Sep 15:12 , 1 comment

This one absolutely kills my mid afternoon cravings. I used 2 scoops of Vanilla Dream Reduce Protein Powder and added 2 tsp of Avalanche, a banana and a glass of water. Absolutely DIVINE and just 220 calories and 30g protein.

Why do we need protein? Posted on 1 Sep 00:00 , 0 comments

Why do we need protein?

The human body is made up of water, fat, protein and minerals. If we suck all the water out of the human body what’s left is mostly Protein, in fact over 50% of the dry weight of our body is protein! Our hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in our blood, is protein, the structure of our genes and brain cells are totally protein. Enzymes control all of our bodily functions, and all enzymes are proteins. The body we have today is built almost entirely from what we have eaten over the past six months, if the protein we eat is poor quality then all the structures of your body, muscles, bones, teeth, skin, will be poor quality. Protein is used by the body daily for renewal of cells, so if we don’t eat enough quality protein, especially after exercise, our body has to make do with poor building materials, you we run the risk of losing precious muscle, which takes us further away from our goals — a toned and healthy body.

Protein aids the body and enables it to stay in a positive nitrogen state, it is in this state that it recovers and rejuvenates. When the body runs out of protein, our body begins to stress and releases cortisol into the system, which allows us to use our own protein supply (our lean tissue). When this occurs we decrease our lean structure, our metabolic rate decreases and with it our fat burning capabilities. This negative protein state is highly undesirable. A study published last year by researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine found that the secret weight loss weapon of low-carb diets is protein, because it promotes satiety (the scientific term for fullness, which curbs overeating).

How much Protein do we need?

The answer is confusing, on one end of the scale we have the RDA (recommended daily allowance), unfortunately it is based on sedentary people, with no allowances made for losses of protein in sweat. At the other extreme we have the “amazing claims” made by supplement manufacturers selling their wares. At 101 Nutrition we will prescribe exactly the required amount you need in relation to your goals. Getting your protein right, at the correct time of day, will significantly promote fat loss, control appetite and stabilize blood sugar levels.



Why we launched the Ultimate 100 Multivitamin Posted on 18 Aug 14:09 , 0 comments

One of the first things I noticed when shopping around looking at vitamins in NZ, is the ones that had any decent ingredients were big smelly tablets. Then the ones that were in nice capsules were of such a low dose you needed to take 6 a day to meet the label requirements. Others were not even complete. missing vital nutrients like iodine or D3. It seems vitamin marketers rely on the ignorance of the average consumer and put a product out in the market place with ingredient labels too hard to read or a tablet that is incomplete. When I'm recommending clients take a multi, I want to make sure its a good product, problem is, a good multi is going cost around $80 and to most, that's unaffordable. That's why we've developed our own. Like the rest of the range, the Ultimate100 is lab tested, true to label, an easy capsule 1-2 daily and we are able offer it at a realistic price because its only available here. Another interesting point to note, is that you should never take single supplements without a multivitamin first. That's because vitamins and minerals work together in the body. Although vitamins like Vitamin D or Magnesium are important, it's always better to cover your bases with a multi first, then if you think your diet needs a boost, get some specific advice.
The Real Nutrients Ultimate Multivitamin is specifically formulated for both men and women. Yes, you can share. As well as providing a comprehensive range of B vitamins, iodine, selenium and zinc, you'll also get Vitamin D3 and beta carotene. If you want to be in great shape for 2016, then now is a good time to take a multi.

10 Signs of a Vitamin D deficiency Posted on 18 Aug 11:28 , 0 comments

Did you know that unlike other countries with similar climates New Zealand has no mandatory fortification of foods with Vitamin D? That’s sad, because we know that over winter our blood levels of Vitamin D practically halve. We synthesize Vitamin D from the sun, however sunblock reduces absorption and it has to be direct sunlight, as UVB does not pass through glass.

  1. Muscle and bone weakness - The vitamin is essential for bones and muscles and teeth. If your muscles, teeth or bones feel weak you could be deficient in vitamin D.
  2. Feeling down - People with low levels of vitamin D are more likely to be depressed or struggle with deep feelings of sadness.
  3. Pain sensitivity- people who have chronic pain can have inadequate vitamin D levels.
  4. Sore gums - people who have low vitamin D levels are more vulnerable to swelling, reddening and bleeding of gums.
  5. Blood pressure - Vitamin D is important for the heart, and when you don’t get enough of it, the blood pressure could rise.
  6. Fatigue - People who have low vitamin D levels, lack the energy to go throughout the day and could have a constant feeling of fatigue.
  7. Mood swings or feeling down - Vitamin D helps with serotonin production and this hormone has a major impact on the mood.
  8. Decreased endurance -Athletes that have a low vitamin D level perform less and have lower energy levels compared to other athletes with higher vitamin D levels.
  9. Overweight -This fat-soluble vitamin is stored in fat cells, and people who are overweight need more vitamin D.
  10. Darker skin -If you have dark skin you have a greater risk of vitamin D deficiency, darker skin needs about 10 times more sun exposure to produce the same amount of vitamin D as a person with pale skin.

Guide to Fluid and Fuel Replacement for Training or Sport Posted on 9 Aug 20:09 , 0 comments

There is no one fluid replacement plan that will meet every sports persons needs. An effective strategy that you can use to monitor fluid loss is to measure your body weight before and after exercise.  That way you can get a good indication of how much fluid has been lost. One kilogram of body weight equals one litre of fluid so get into the habit of weighing yourself before and after exercise sessions so you can start to plan how much water you’ll need for similar sessions in the future.  

Aim to replace one and a half times the amount of fluid lost as soon as possible after finishing the session, using a sports drink if applicable.  For example, if you weigh 1 kilo less after the exercise session, then you need to replace the lost fluid with1.5 litres of fluids.

Water or Sports Drinks?

Sports drinks have been shown to enhance sporting performance in situations where training sessions are of high intensity or are of one hour or longer duration. Sports drinks have been specifically designed for these situations and not only are an excellent way to keep you hydrated, but they are also a convenient source of fuel during exercise.

A suitable sports drink should provide 6-8g of carbohydrate per 100ml, so check the label and ensure you prepare it to the correct dilution, if making it from a powder.

Tips to keep you Hydrated during exercise:
·      Start hydrated
·      Consume 200-600ml fluid before you exercise
·      Choose a sports drink you have tried before and which you like the taste of and that you know doesn’t cause any  gastric upsets
·      Carry sufficient water – it’s better to come back with fluids to spare, rather than in a dehydrated state!
·      Aim to drink 150-200ml every 15-20 minutes during the session
·      Use every opportunity to drink
·      Remember – even when it’s cold you can still get dehydrated, so drink frequently

During Exercise:
For exercise sessions of an hour or less, water will be sufficient, As the duration and/or intensity of the exercise increases longer than an hour, the need for carbohydrates (muscle and brain fuel) increases, along with electrolytes to replace sodium and potassium lost through sweat.  

For long duration exercise, consuming 30-75g of carbohydrate per hour is recommended.  Performance benefits begin at 30g per hour, however 50-75g per hour may be optimal to meet fuel needs during exercise after muscle glycogen depletion has occurred.  Personal tolerance and carbohydrate requirements will vary.

Carbohydrate replacement can be achieved through sports drinks and/or gel type products.  If you are using gels, remember to use plenty of water with them to avoid any gastric upsets.  If you know you are going to be training for longer than 60 minutes, start consuming carbohydrate replacement products after around 45 minutes and spread the rest of the products evenly out over the rest of the time, at around 45 minute intervals.  Practice with the timing to see what works best for you, for high intensity exercise, you may need to replace carbohydrates every 30 minutes, so practice is vital.  Don’t wait until you start to feel fatigued before you begin using the carbohydrate replacement products.

Caffeine containing sports replacement products help spare your own carbohydrate supply and encourage your body to use stored body fat for fuel and they can also help keep you mentally ‘on to it’ and give you a bit of an edge.  As with any sports replacement product, practice with them first before using during an event.

Post Exercise:
Immediately after exercise, fluids, electrolytes and carbohydrates have to be replaced to assist recovery.  Water alone is not sufficient and will not be as rapidly absorbed as sports drinks at the correct dilution.  Aim to consume 1g of carbohydrate per kilo of body weight immediately after exercise and again every two hours afterwards.

This is a good time to add in some protein as well, to assist with muscle repair and recovery.  A protein shake made with whey powder, milk and fruit will be easily absorbed and used by the body and provide protein and carbohydrate.  

Lose weight with multivitamins? Posted on 3 Aug 13:47 , 15 comments

Take supplements. Research from several studies, one published in The British Journal of Nutrition suggests that multivitamins may be associated with a lower body weight and reduced appetite. Multivitamins were especially effective at reducing hunger symptoms for females. Men, who reported the use of vitamin and mineral supplements had a lower weight, carried less fat and had higher resting energy expenditure compared to men in the placebo group

Are you skipping breakfast to lose weight? Posted on 21 Jul 21:26 , 3 comments

For a really nutritious breakfast that will kick start your weight loss regime, add 1-2 scoops of Reduce to a serve or oats, and top with a handful of berries or a few nuts. Or try a smoothie, blend Reduce with your favorite milk or water, add fruit and more here