How eating the right lunch can help you lose more weight Posted on 7 Jan 12:23 , 0 comments

Investing a short amount of time at the beginning of the week to organise lunch will give you massive returns in energy and vitality. If you rush or skip lunch on a regular basis you will be robbing yourself of important health benefits. Studies show that the traditional lunch hour at work has diminished and many of us have rushed lunch breaks at our desk, in front of a computer or in the car. While this may seem great for productivity, in you could be sabotaging your weight loss plans and triggering mid-afternoon sugar cravings.

Taking time to eat a healthy lunch is an important part of weight control and is critical in maintaining energy levels throughout the rest of the day. Here are ten easy lunch ideas that won’t leave you feeling weighed down in the afternoon.

Easy Gourmet Salad.
To a base of mixed salad add cubed pumpkin, a tablespoon of pine nuts and crumbled feta cheese. Dress with low fat mayonnaise.

Healthy Japanese
Buy a sushi pack and a piece of fruit

Make a Wrap
Use thin Turkish wrap and fill with cottage cheese, chicken or lean pastrami and salad. Roll up with chutney or hummus spread.

Super Sandwich
Wholegrain grainy breads are lower GI so will keep you satisfied longer and contain more nutrients. Make your sandwich as big as possible with salad or coleslaw. Add protein to complete the meal like chicken, ham, egg or even peanut butter or cheese. Use low fat spreads like hummus, chutney or pesto.

Toasted Sandwich
Take the bread, ham and slice of cheese to work, add tomato onion and mushrooms and make a toasted sandwich. Finish with fruit, a green salad or a mug of soup.

Supermarket Selection
Got a hunger pang and no food? Luckily vegetables and fruit are the first thing in sight when you walk into the supermarket. Grab a salad and select some cold cuts or seafood, add a piece of fruit or a roll from the bakery. You’ll be through the check out before you know it and pleased you made such a healthy choice.

Get Fresh
Subway makes delicious salads and low fat sandwiches. Opt for grainy bread or a large salad, add extra meat for satiety and choose low fat dressings. Say no to the extra cookie.

Sweet Indulgence
Tired of salads and sandwiches? How about a fresh fruit salad, low fat yoghurt, sprinkled with slivered almonds and sliced banana.

Ratatouille is easy to make on the weekends and heated through it tastes divine for lunch. Serve with toasted grainy bread or crackers, olives and feta cheese.

Cheesy Dip
Did you know a 250g pot of low fat cottage cheese is only 180 calories and gives you almost 30 grams of protein and lots of calcium? Drizzle sweet chilli sauce over the top and serve with plenty of sliced vegetables for dipping.

So, what are you having for lunch today?