How to manage healthy cholesterol levels with lifestyle and dietary changes Posted on 14 Jul 21:27 , 1 comment

Cholesterol is a substance found in all animal and human tissues. Cholesterol plays a key role in the digestion, absorption and transport of fats throughout the body and is used in the production of vitamin D and various hormones. Our body is continuously making cholesterol and this accounts for most of the cholesterol in our bodies. An elevated cholesterol level is associated with an increased risk of developing hardening of the arteries, which is a major cause of death in all western countries. Because heart disease is largely a disease of diet and lifestyle, many of these deaths could be significantly delayed through a health diet and lifestyle.

Eat High Fibre – breakfast ideally would be oats (porridge) choose whole intact grains. Serve with high fibre fruit like kiwifruit or berries, stewed apples or pears. Have a large salad or serving of fibrous vegetables at lunch and dinner. (Two cup serving at lunch and dinner). Eat some vegetarian meals using lentils, grains, beans, etc instead of meat.

Cut Refined Carbs - switch to high fibre, low GI complex carbohydrates like grainy bread, brown rice, lentils, beans, sweet potato, etc. Keep fruit to 2-3 pieces per day. (high in sugar = simple carbohydrates)

Don't Over-eat - Keep carbohydrate levels in general to moderate as excess carbohydrates are converted to triglycerides, the sticky fats which circulate in your bloodstream and which are the most dangerous.

Go Nutty - Eat moderate portions of nuts and seeds, avocado, olive oil and flax oil to obtain ‘good fats’. Walnuts are especially good for high cholesterol, but they are high in calories (like all nuts) so a small handful each day would be sufficient.

Omega 3 Rules - Eat fatty fish at least 2 times a week. The highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids are in mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon. For a good source of Omega 3 use a supplement that contains at least 500mg of EPA and DHA per capsule.

Reduce Stress - High stress levels have been implicated with elevated cholesterol levels. A good natural product to help manage stress (acting as a stress adaptogen) is Rhodiola Rosea.

Don't Do Stimulants - Reduce consumption of unfiltered coffee to a maximum of 3-4 cups per day.

Watch The Booze - Moderate alcohol consumption, 1-2 standard drinks per day maximum.

Vitamins and Minerals - Supplement with a high quality multivitamin plus extra Vitamin C 500mg - 2000mg per day.

Get Garlic - Garlic capsules have also been suggested as useful in lowering cholesterol.